Final part of interview with Robert Long
I like to ask musicians their vision and I see people in their ascendency , horizon and comfortable place with life. Robert is sincerely in a comfortable place with himself!
Karen: Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Robert:In ten years? Since I’m now 67, I hope I’m still on the right side of the grass in ten years. I’ve been playing part time only, and post covid 19, I may be retired completely. I will try to continue promoting my online music sales and currently some of my selections are being carried by a music sync licensing company; this involves music for films, videos, ads, etc. I may devote more of my attention in this direction, but we’ll see as time goes by.
Karen: Ah, I think music is not an art we retire from. It’s something we retain lifelong. And in your final words on the matter….
Play it again……!