The Overture - Improvisation - The Studio
The Art of Class eBooks
Volumes I - IV
Ballet Class Music Downloads and Discs
Kindergarten Kids & The Counting House
Music for Young Children
Ballet Class Music Scores
Music Courses
Ballet Class Music Scores

Click on the covers for buying options.

Kim So Hyun

Kim So Hyun Ballet Class Music Vol.1
Kim So Hyun Ballet Class Music Vol. 3

Mariana Palacios

Mariana Palacios Music & Dance

Dominic Faricier

Experimental Music for Barre - Dominic Faricier

Kasper Cornish

Ballet Class Dancer by Kasper Cornish
24 Preludes for Ballet Class Kasper Cornish
Ballet Class 3 by Kasper Cornish
Graduation Ballet Class by Kasper Cornish
Unsquare ballet class by Kasper Cornish
Morning ballet class by Kasper Cornish

Luca Tieppo

Luca Tieppo Dance Book vol 1

Robert Long

Ballet Etudes - Robert Long
Robert Long Etudes 2