The Overture - Improvisation - The Studio
The Art of Class eBooks
Volumes I - IV
Ballet Class Music Downloads and Discs
Kindergarten Kids & The Counting House
Music for Young Children
Ballet Class Music Scores
Music Courses


…to the new look We hope you love this beautiful design and you will notice all sorts of new features. One of the most important is a page dedicated to composers who have dedicated their work to manuscript and have created piano scores for free class. I shall be featuring each musician over the […]

Houston Ballet

I had such a wonderful zoom chat with my lovely piano plaing friends at Houston Ballet last night. Sadly we should all have been working in the studios till late July – and of course enjoying Happy Hour in our hotel every night!

Whatever next!

The ever creative music team at Houston Ballet have come up with a clever device to help make online classes a little more easy on the ear! Head of Music Katherine Ciscon and her husband had a little time out (!) to develop this clever little device. Give it a try.

Percussion and Piano

I dont know if any piano player out there has had the sheer joy of playing Class with a percussionist? It is an unsurpassed joy. Ok. So there is the trick of actually knowing the drum rhythms so that we play correctly within the grooves. But I actually had an ‘out of body’ experience once […]


I find myself working with the most talented and erudite musicians here in Glasgow. Not pushy,celebratory or noisy! They quietly do their own thing. Very well. And so I will be setting up a live gig next year named The Silent Musician. Where the world can hear these exceptional people who quietly go about their […]

Good connections

My colleague Luca Tieppo began with an idea in a cafe in Rome where we were sitting drinking Martinis. His passion for better communication between dancers and musicians (not only in the Studio) sparked Music Management for Dance. Have a look at his weekly blog page promoting all sorts of inspiring ideas.

Skill sharing

There are so many great young players coming up the ranks who wish to dedicate a huge part of their work to music for dance. What is most exciting is their ‘nose’ for moving on with 21stC ideas! That means using electronics,loops and other multimedia assets for dance class. Remember, dance has to be the […]


I heard from my beautiful friend Juan Antonia Mata today. He plays for Ballet Nacional de España. What a talented, knowledgeable man totally devoid of ego! Have a look at his work here:

Last of the academic year

Sadly today saw the end of the academic year 19-20 with one of the most talented musicians taking up their study on the Piano for Dance course here in Glasgow. In the next few days I hope to post some of their astonishing work for you to hear. Our 20-21 course has one place remaining […]

Playing for Ballet Class on Youtube!

Well, today is the day I launched my YouTube Channel! Under the banner The Art of Class, I am slowly revealing each challenge for the pianist in Ballet Class as if I am looking over the dance studio from above and seeing everything that is happening. So, please head over to any of these links […]