The Overture - Improvisation - The Studio
The Art of Class eBooks
Volumes I - IV
Ballet Class Music Downloads and Discs
Kindergarten Kids & The Counting House
Music for Young Children
Ballet Class Music Scores
Music Courses

Introducing Dominic Faricier

It is with greatest delight I am introducing you to a new member of the team! Dominic is one of the most excellent pianists for dance class in Europe and has just produced his first – of three – scores of music for free class. Titled Experimental Music for Ballet Class – Part 1: Barre.  His music is experimental only in that it stretches our imagination far and beyond. Please have a look at the Music Scores page here to enjoy a preview of his work. Tomorrow, and all through this week I shall be publishing a beautiful interview with him in French. Do not worry, we are translating as we go too!